Recurrence: up to 50% will have another stone episode within 5-10yrs - metabolic syndrome (obesity, HTN, DM) increase stone forming risks
ROKS nomogram: Created in 2014, predicts risk of stone formation based on patient and stone factors
Factors increasing stone formation
Calcium: modulated by PTH and Vitamin D, produces both CaOx and CaPhos stones
Sodium: increased levels get reabsorbed resulting in increased calcium secretion (Na/Ca exchanger)
Oxalate: component of most common stone type (CaOx), only 20-50% come from diet, vitamin C (absorbic acid) is converted to oxalate
Uric acid: can act as a nidus for CaOx stone formation, urine levels affected by pH + volume + uric acid quantity, precipitation affected more by urine acidity than uric acid concentration
Cysteine: disulfide bond results in insolube cystine
Other factors increasing stone risk
Acidosis: increased urine calcium and phosphate, decreased citrate, increased bone breakdown
Matrix: noncrystalline material that forms nidus for stones
Factors decreasing stone formation
Citrate: main stone inhibitor, complexes with calcium, inhibited by high acid foods (meat, cheese, eggs), fruit/veggies contain the most citrate and have lowest acid load
Magnesium: complexes with oxalate, inhibits crystal growth
Phosphate/pyrophosphate: complexes with oxalate, inhibits crystal growth, difficult to increase in urine
Urea: increases uric acid solubility
Macromolecules: GAGs (chondroitin and heparin sulfate) and glycoproteins (Tamm-Horsfall and nephrocalcin) inhibit crystal aggregation
Resorptive: primary hyperPTH increases bone turnover and intestinal absorption, causing hypercalcemia and subsequent hypercalciuria, treated with parathyroidectomy
Absorptive: increased GI tract absorption of calcium
Renal: calcium wasting via nephron leakage
Granulomatous disease: increased 1-alpha hydroxylase (produced by macrophages) -> increased Vitamin D production, treat with steroids
Thiazide challenge: initiation of thiazide will lead to persistent hyperPTH if primary, but hyperPTH will resolve if secondary
Overall, no need to differentiate between types besides diagnosing hyperPTH (does not change treatments)
Anatomic risk factors
UPJ obstruction: assocation questionable, as stone risk persists after treatment of obstruction
Horseshoe kidney: 20% incidence, thought to be due to high ureteral insertion
Caliceal diverticulum: combination of urinary stasis and stone forming factors
Medullary stone kidney: unclear cause, combination of inability to acidify urine, hypercalcuria, hypocitraturia
Increase stone risk factors: acetazolamide, topiramate, vitamin C (converted to oxalate), probenacid, antacids, chemotherapy, furosemide
Directly precipitates as stones: triamterene, guafenesin, ephedrine, indinavir
Types of Stones
Calcium oxalate: most common type, usually caused by dehydration, difficult to dissolve
Calcium phosphate: common with hyperPTH, Type 1 RTA, medullary sponge kidney, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor use
Uric acid: second most common type, usually have normal blood/urine uric acid levels, usually caused by dehydration, radiolucent on KUB, dissolve with alkalinization
Magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite): caused by UTI, most common cause of staghorn stones, may dissolve with acidification
Cystine: seen in cystinuria, may dissolve with alkalinization, positive cyanide-nitroprusside test (urine turns purple if cystine > 75mg/L)
Ammonium acid urate: seen with laxative abuse and IBD, as well as UTI and hypophosphatemia, may not show up on KUB
Matrix: seen with UTI, very soft, may not show on imaging
Indinavir: not seen on non-contrasted CT imaging
Patient evaluation
Patient history risk factors
Personal/family history stones
DM/obesity: insulin resistance impairs ammonium excretion, leading to low urine pH and uric acid stones
Gout: causes hyperuricosuria
HyperPTH: causes hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
Cancer, sarcoid, and granulomatous disease: increases risk for hypercalcemia through PTHrP or Vitamin D
GI malabsorptions: increase risk for decreased calcium absorption (complexed to fats) and subsequent increased oxalate absorption (normally complexes with calcium and not absorbed)
Type I RTA: inability to acidify urine from impaired hydrogen secretion in distal tubule, diagnosed with urine pH > 6 and hypokalemia, 75% patients form stones, confirm diagnosis with ammonium chloride loading test (unable to acidify urine after acid load)
Chronic diarrhea and IBD: causes hyperoxaluria
Sedentary/immobile: increased calcium absorption and excretion
"High risk" stone formers
Large stone burden
2+ stone episodes
Pediatric stone formation
Uncommon stone types: cystine, uric acid, infection (struvite)
Family history
Medical conditions with increased risk: gout, IBD, hyperPTH, sarcoidosis, PCKD, RTA, medullary sponge kidney
Solitary kidney
Professions with high risk for stone complications
Workup components
History: medical risk factors (see above), fluid intake, diet, medications, UTI hx
Blood: electrolytes (BMP), Ca, Phos, Vit D, PTH (if hypercalcemia), uric acid
UA: assess pH, urine crystals
Stone analysis: to assess for unusual stone types
24hr Urine Collection
Patient counseling
Indications for 24hr urine collection: high risk stone formers, abnormal labwork, or desires evaluation
Timing: wait 1mo after stone treatment and stent removal
Initial evaluation: obtain 1-2 tests on patient's normal diet
Repeat evaluation: repeat on stone prevention diet, then start medications if warranted
Follow-up evaluation: repeat 2-6mo after initial interventions, then consider annual testing
Measured variables
Volume: < 2-3L/d increases risk for mineral precipitation and stone formation
Calcium: increased levels (> 200mg/d) lead to increased stone formation, no need to differentiate between the three types
Oxalate: increased levels (> 40mg/d) complex with calcium and precipitate out, can be due to increased gut absorption
Sodium: high urinary sodium (> 150mEq/d) leads to decreased proximal tubule sodium resorption causing decreased distal tubule calcium resorption
Citrate: decreased levels (< 450-550mg/d) result from acidosis and increase calcium stone formation
Magnesium: can bind oxalate, underlying cause for enteric hyperoxaluria can cause decreased magnesium absorption and subsequent decreased levels (< 80/d)
Potassium: low levels (< 20-100mg/d)
Uric Acid: increased levels (> 600-800mg/d) create nidus for CaOx crystallization, but main determinant for precipitation is pH (not uric acid level), abnormally low uric acid + low pH may indicate uric acid stone
Sulfate: increased levels indicates high animal protein intake
Creatinine: indicates adequacy of collection based on expected normal value for creatinine excretion (20-25mg/kg/d for men, 15-20mg/kg/d for women)
Cystine: normal excretion 0.4% (cystinurics excrete 100%), saturated at 250mg/L, sodium nitroprusside turns purple in presence of cystine, no need to check if initial test normal
Tips for Collection
Make sure a day is chosen where urine can be completely collected
Start after first morning void (considered yesterday's urine), and collect until morning void of following day
Can discontinue Vitamin D, calcium, antacids, diuretics, acetazolamide, and Vitamin C prior to test to assess baseline renal function
AUA Core Curriculum
Miller, N. L., and M. S. Borofsky. "Evaluation and medical management of urinary lithiasis." Campbell-Walsh Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: (2020).
Pearle, M., J. Antonelli, and Y. Lotan. "Urinary Lithiasis: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Pathogenesis." Campbell-Walsh Urology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: (2020).
Pearle, Margaret S., et al. "Medical management of kidney stones: AUA guideline." The Journal of urology 192.2 (2014): 316-324.
Rule, Andrew D., et al. "The ROKS nomogram for predicting a second symptomatic stone episode." Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25.12 (2014): 2878-2886.
Wieder JA: Pocket Guide to Urology. Sixth Edition. J.Wieder Medical: Oakland, CA, 2021.