The amount of information in urology can be overwhelming at times. As my neurology attending once said, "it's difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff." In order to keep track of the many nuances, I've decided to put together a practical reference on where else but my own website. I'm hoping it'll serve as a reminder of the many informational nuggets I use on a daily basis, and maybe even a helpful guide for others.
NOTE: The information here is accessible through textbooks, websites, and other resources. It is not meant to act as a diagnostic or treatment tool for patients. This website does not substitute as patient-specific medical advice. If you have questions, you should see your PCP, urologist, or go to the ED for further evaluation.
AUA website: Contains tons of urologic resources, including the guidelines and core curriculum, covering (almost) all urology topics. Has a good med student curriculum too. May require a login for some sections. Seems to be a work-in-progress website to help residents in urology cite useful resources and understand certain procedures. May be helpful! I haven't included any imaging on the website because I don't know what the rules/regulations are on sharing images that aren't mine. Radiopaedia is probably an even better resource, with plenty of images to make up for my slacking.