3B-HSD deficiency: incomplete masculinization and salt wasting, incomplete virilization, normal wolffian ducts, elevated 3B-HSD, manage with steroid replacement
17a-hydroxylase deficiency: undervirilized spectrum with HTN + hypokalemia + salt/water retention, manage with steroid replacement
17,20-Lyase deficiency: undervirilization without mullerian structures or salt-wasting
17B-HSD oxiodoreductase deficiency: undervirilization with female phenotype at birth, intraabdominal testes and wolffian ducts, puberty causes development of male secondary sexual characteristics, HCG stimulation results in an increased testosterone/androstenedione ratio
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
All will have 46 XY + normal hormone profile, but spectrum of external genital appearance
Inguinal hernia: 50% with cAIS have inguinal hernias, 1-2% female infants with inguinal hernias have cAIS
Partial (pAIS): spectrum of ambiguous external genitalia
Mild (mAIS): male phenotype with potential mild hypospadias, gynecomastia, azoospermia/oligospermia
Gonad management: previously recommended gonadectomy, now recommend maintaining gonads (can reposition out of inguinal canal) to provide natural T->E production (instead of E supplementation), discuss low but potential cancer risk and can screen annually with US
5a-reductase deficiency
Neonatal presentation with female to ambiguous genitalia
Elevated T:DHT ratio, > 20:1 after HCG stimulation
Gender assignment is individual decision
Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome
46 XY and normal male external genitalia...but persistent mullerian structures
Usually present with one/both undescended testes, bilateral fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina draining into prostatic utricle
Perform orchiopexy as indicated, removal of structures not necessary
AUA Core Curriculum
Baskin, Laurence S. Handbook of pediatric urology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018.
Rink, R. "Surgical Management of Differences of Sexual Differentiation and Cloacal and Anorectal Malformations." Campbell-Walsh Urology 12 (2020).
Yu, R. and D. Diamond. "Disorders of Sexual Development: Etiology, Evaluation, and Medical Management." Campbell-Walsh Urology 12 (2020).