Primary monosymptomatic enuresis: Nocturnal incontinence, in absence of other LUTS, without a prior period of nocturnal dryness
Secondary monosymptomatic enuresis: Nocturnal incontinence, in absence of other LUTS, with a prior period of noctural dryness (6+ months)
Non-monosymptomatic enuresis: Noctunral incontinence, with other LUTS present
General Treatment Tips
The child must be willing/able to participate in treatment otherwise it will not succeed
Void before bed, avoid fluids before bed
Do not punish for enuresis (counterproductive)
Assess family history (may be genetic component)
May benefit from sleep study if frequent snoring
Enuresis alarm
Best for motivated families, children with low PVR and without polyuria
When alarm triggered, the child has to change bedding, reset alarm (active participation)
Continue until at least 14 consecutive dry nights
If no improvement after at least 6 weeks, unlikely to improve
Discontinuation: 30%, skin irritation, bothersome to rest of family, or failure
Most effective in nocturnal polyuria (> 130% expected bladder capacity for age) and normal bladder function (max voided volume > 70% expected capacity for age)
Dosing: 0.2mg 1hr before bedtime, titrate up by 0.2mg to max dose 0.6mg at bedtime
Reassess within 2 weeks to determine whether improvement present
Consider using only for certain occasions vs nightly
Drug holiday for 1 week every 3-6 months to assess whether still warranted
Considered third line therapy
Dosing: 10-25mg imipramine 1hr before bed, can titrate up by 25mg after 1 week, usual dose 25mg (5-8yo) and 50mg (9+yo), do not exceed 50mg (6-12yo) and 75mg (13+yo)
Reassess efficacy at 1mo, if no improvement after 3mo then discontinue with taper
Drug holiday q3-6mo to assess continued need, tapering dose over 2 weeks
Side effects: less than 5% overall, but can increase suicidal ideations and cardiac complications (risk with overdosing) - obtain personal/family cardiac history
AUA Core Curriculum`
Austin, P. and A. Seth. "Functional Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract in Children." Campbell-Walsh Urology 12 (2020).
Baskin, Laurence S. Handbook of pediatric urology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018.
Wilcox, D. and K. Rove. "Clinical and Urodynamic Evaluation of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Children." Campbell-Walsh Urology 12 (2020).