Obtain clean catch (0 squamous cells is best sample)
If tube (foley/PCN) present, consider exchanging tube (if possible) prior to collecting sample
If ostomy, catheterize stoma for collection
Do not collect from foley/PCN bag!
Lab Findings
Leukocyte esterase: sensitive but not specific for UTI
Nitrites: produced by Enterobacteriaceae, also seen with pyridium
Cloudy urine: pyuria or precipitated phosphate crystals in alkaline/concentrated urine
Microscopic UA: presence of bacteruria most indicative
Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma: appear to be colonizers, unrelated to UTI symptoms, testing not beneficial (per Souders et al JU 2021)
Confounding factors
Asymptomatic Bacteruria
Definition: bacteria in urine in the absence of any symptoms
Prevalence: 1-5% healthy young women, 20% women older than 80
Catheters: 23-89% patients using CIC vs 100% patients with longterm catheter usage
Screen/treat if: pregnant (increased risk for complications) or undergoing GU instrumentation (increased risk for bacteruria/sepsis)
Do not screen/treat even if: diabetic, SCI, foreign body in GU tract, prior to non-urologic surgery - no overall benefit and increases risk for resistant organisms
Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Common UTI symptoms: usually do not have classic symptoms, may show fatigue, fever, vague abdominal/back pain, spasticity, autonomic dysreflexia, new/worsening incontinence
Recurrent infections: evaluate with upper tract imaging (assess for stones) and urodynamics (high-risk bladder)
Do not screen or treat asymptomatic bacteruria in patients with SCI and indwelling catheters
Antibiotic prophylaxis and irrigation have not been shown to decrease bacteruria
Consider treatment when urease organisms present, may increase risk for bladder stones and catheter encrustation)
AUA Core Curriculum
Cooper, K. L., G. M. Badalato, and M. P. Rutman. "Infections of the urinary tract." Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology. 12th ed. Elsevier (2020): 1129-1201.
Koch, George E., and Niels V. Johnsen. "The Diagnosis and Management of Life-Threatening Urologic Infections." Urology (2021).
Souders, Colby P., et al. "Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma molecular testing does not correlate with irritative or painful lower urinary tract symptoms." The Journal of Urology 206.2 (2021): 390-398.
Wieder JA: Pocket Guide to Urology. Sixth Edition. J.Wieder Medical: Oakland, CA, 2021.