Random Programs

These are some random programs I have created over the years.


It draws a face!



Learn how to draw a heart with a Valentine's Day message!

:Text(20,28,"WILL YOU BE
:Text(28,25,"MY VALENTINE?


Secretly play blackjack on your computer in math class!

:Menu("   BLACKJACK   ","PLAY GAME",1,"QUIT",2
:Lbl 1
:If A>10:10->A
:If B>10:10->B
:If C>10:10->C
:If D>10:10->D
:If E>10:10->E
:If A=1 and B=10
:Goto S
:If B=1 and A=10
:Goto S
:If A=1
:Disp "TOTAL IS"
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",A
:If A=1
:If B=1
:Disp "TOTAL IS"
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",G
:If G=1
Output(1,5,"YOU DREW
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:Disp "","","","","","",""
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1
:Goto E
:Lbl E
:If F>21
:Output(3,4,"HOUSE BUST
:Output(5,5"YOU WIN
:Goto S
:Output(1,3,"YOUR TOTAL IS
:Output(4,2,"HOUSE TOTAL IS
:If T>F
:Output(7,6,"YOU WIN
:Goto S
:If F>T
:Output(7,5,"YOU LOSE
:Goto S
:If F=T
:Goto S
:If C=1
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",C
:If C=1
:Disp "","","","","","",""
Output(1,5,"YOU DREW
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL IS
:Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1
:Goto E
:If D=1
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",D
:If D=1
:Disp "","","","","","",""
:Output(1,5,"YOU DREW
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL IS
:Output(7,3,"STAY=1 HIT=2
:If T>21:Goto B
:Input G
:If G=1
:Goto E
:If E=1
:Disp T
:Input "1 or 11?",E
:If E=1
:Disp "","","","","","",""
:Output(1,5,"YOU DREW
:Output(5,3,"TOTAL OF
:If T>21
:Goto B
:Goto E
:Lbl B
:Output(3,5,"YOU LOSE
:Output(5,3,:TOTAL OF
:Goto S
:Lbl 2)


Want to convince your friends your calculator is radioactive? Here's a cool way to do it. Note: making this program will not necessarily convince your friend that you are cool.



This program came with the calculator manual. It draws a Sierpinski triangle, which is a fractal recognizable as similar to the symbol from Legend of Zelda.

If N≤1/3
:If 1/3<N and N≤2/3
:If 2/3<N