Welcome to Nate's...Guide to Fishes! Here you will find all sorts of interesting facts, information, and pictures about the denizens of the deep!
This may seem like a simple question, but it's pretty complicated. Think of a fish! Tuna, Salmon, Pufferfish, doesn't matter, they're all fish! But go look in a mirror...and there's a fish staring back at you! That's right, you're a fish! Now I'm not saying you have gills and scales, but evolutionarily (and phylogenetically) you're considered a fish.
Let's imagine a phylogenetic (evolutionary) tree. (For an example of a simple tree, CLICK HERE). Phylogenetic trees describe relationships between groups of organisms, based on how similar the groups are to each other. Our tree has 3 animals: the a tuna (ray-finned fish), a coelacanth (lobe-finned fish), and YOU (a tetrapod)! There are 3 branches on this tree, with you and Mr. Coelacanth being more closely related (you have a more recent common ancestor) than either of you to Charlie Tuna. When scientists make these trees, they place organisms in groups that are MONOPHYLETIC. A monophyletic group is a group of organisms that includes a common ancestor, plus all of its descendents. Excluding a descendent or lineage forms a PARAPHYLETIC group, which is to be avoided at all costs. If we use this principle of monophyly, then we can form two groups: one including all tbree branches; the other, including only the coelacanth and ourselves. The first group is known as Osteichthyes (AKA bony fishes), and the second as Sarcopterygii (AKA lobe-finned fishes). However, if we were to group the tuna and the coelacanth together as "fishes" and exclude ourselves, this mean the group known as bony fishes is paraphyletic, and that's no good. To talk about fishes in the scientific sense, we must include ourselves in this group. Therefore, WE ARE FISH!
However, when I use the term fish on this site, I use it in the colloquial sense. Technically when scientists use paraphyletic terms, they should be in quotes (AKA "fishes"). My guide mentions only those organisms recognized as fishes by the average individual and excludes other organisms, such as turtles, birds, and even me or you. So the final answer is thus: a fish, in the non-phylogenetic sense, is an organism with a backbone, spends its life in water, and has fins, gills, and scales (of course there are exceptions to these "rules").
When I took my class on fishes at Cornell, it was estimated that there are about 30,000 species of fishes alive today. This can be compared to the number of vertebrates, which is approximately 60,000 species. This may seem like a lot (it is), but this does not even come close to the number of species of bacteria, fungi, or insects.
"Fish" is used when talking about one fish, such as the Barreleye. When we have a single Barreleye, we have a fish. When there are multiple Barreleyes (same species), we have multiple fish. When we have 1,000 Barreleye, and one Silverside, we have multiple fishes. See? Once multiple species are involved, we change from fish to fishes.
I've always had an interest in marine biology, especially fishes. My interest blossomed while at Cornell, where I did some fish phylogeny research on the evolution and development of the gasbladder. Although I will be pursuing a career in medicine instead of ichthyology, I want to find a way to show non-fish people how cool fishes are in an understandable, non-academic fashion. Every group of fishes has something fascinating to learn about and I want you to hear about it! If you leave this site thinking "wow, that's kind of cool," then my job is done.
When you go to the index, you will find a list of fishes from class down to family. THe different levels of taxonomic classification are notated by differences in size and indentation. Clicking the links on the sidebar will take you to the different classes. Clicking on any of the black underlined links listed in the taxonomy will take you to a separate page, with more information about those specific groups. Extinct groups of fishes are also mentioned and notated in blue font.
I haven't cited specific sources on each article, mostly because this is for fun and not a research paper. Regarding the classification, I used Nelson's 2006 edition of Fishes of the World. This provides the most comprehensive classification of all fish famillies, although more recent papers have made changes to the phylogenies. I have chosen to ignore some of the changes but used others depending on the day and my mood. For each entry, I used Nelson, Eschmeyer's Encyclopedia of Fishes, and The Diversity of Fishes, my class's textbook (plus liberal referencing of Wikipedia..sorry). I mentioned any relevant or pertinent sources that might be interesting.
Myxiniformes(Hyperotreti): Hagfishes
Myxinidae: Hagfishes
Petromyzontiformes(Hyperoartii): Lampreys
Petromyzontidae: Northern Lampreys
Geotriidae: Southern Lampreys
Mordaciidae: Southern Topeyed Lampreys
Pteraspidomorphi (Diplorhina)
Anaspidiformes (Birkeniae)
Thelodontiformes (Coelolepidiformes)
Cephalaspidiformes (Osteostraci)
Pituriaspidiformes (Pituriaspida)
Antiarchiformes (Antiarchs)
Arthrodiriformes (Arthrodires)
Chondrichthyes: Cartilagenous Fishes
Chimaeriformes: Chimaeras
Callorhinchidae (Callorhynchidae): Plownose Chimaeras
Rhinochimaeridae: Longnose Chimaeras
Chimaeridae: Shortnose Chimaeras, Ratfishes
Selachii (Selachimorpha, Pleurotremata): Sharks
Heterodontiformes: Bullhead Sharks
Heterodontidae: Bullhead Sharks
Orectolobiformes: Carpet Sharks
Parascylliidae: Collared Carpet Sharks
Brachaeluridae: Blind Sharks
Orectolobidae: Wobbegongs
Hemiscylliidae: Bamboo Sharks
Stegostomatidae: Zebra Sharks
Ginglymostomatidae: Nurse Sharks
Rhincodontidae (Rhiniodontidae): Whale Sharks
Lamniformes: Mackerel Sharks
Odontaspididae: Sand Tiger Sharks
Mitsukurinidae: Goblin Sharks
Pseudocarchariidae: Crocodile Sharks
Megachasmidae: Megamouth Sharks
Alopiidae: Thresher Sharks
Cetorhinidae: Basking Sharks
Lamnidae: Mackerel Sharks
Carcharhiniformes: Ground Sharks
Scyliorhinidae: Cat Sharks
Proscylliidae: Finback Cat Sharks
Pseudotriakidae: False Cat Sharks
Leptochariidae: Barbeled Hound Sharks
Triakidae: Hound Sharks
Hemigaleidae: Weasel Sharks
Carcharhinidae: Requiem Sharks
Sphyrnidae: Hammerhead Sharks
Hexanchiformes (Noidanoidei): Six-Gill Sharks
Chlamydoselachidae: Frill Sharks
Hexanchidae: Cow Sharks
Echinorhiniformes: Bramble Sharks
Echinorhinidae: Bramble Sharks
Squaliformes: Dogfish Sharks
Squalidae: Dogfish Sharks
Centrophoridae: Gulper Sharks
Etmopteridae: Lantern Sharks
Somniosidae: Sleeper Sharks
Oxynotidae: Rough Sharks
Dalatiidae: Kitefin Sharks
Squatiniformes: Angel Sharks
Squatinidae: Angel Sharks
Pristiophoriformes: Saw Sharks
Pristiophoridae: Saw Sharks
Batoidea (Hypotremata): Rays
Torpediniformes: Electric Rays
Torpedinidae: Torpedo Electric Rays
Narcinidae: Numbfishes
Pristiformes: Sawfishes
Pristidae: Sawfishes
Rajiformes: Skates
Rhinidae: Bowmouth Guitarfishes
Rhynchobatidae: Wedgefishes
Rhinobatidae: Guitarfishes
Rajidae: Skates
Myliobatiformes: Stingrays
Platyrhinidae: Thornbacks
Zanobatidae: Panrays
Hexatrygonidae: Sixgill Stingrays
Plesiobatidae: Deepwater Stingrays
Urolophidae: Round Stingrays
Urotrygonidae: American Round Stingrays
Dasyatidae (Trygonidae): Whiptail Stingrays
Potamotrygonidae: River Stingrays
Gymnuridae: Butterfly Rays
Myliobatidae: Eagle Rays
Actinopterygii: Ray-Finned Fishes
Polypteriformes (Brachiopterygii): Bichirs
Polypteridae: Bichirs
Acipenseriformes: Sturgeons
Acipenseridae: Sturgeons
Polyodontidae: Paddlefishes
Lepisosteiformes: Gars
Lepisosteidae: Gars
Amiiformes: Bowfins
Amiidae: Bowfins
Hiodontiformes: Mooneyes
Hiodontidae: Mooneyes
Osteoglossiformes: Bonytongues
Osteoglossidae: Osteoglossids, Bonytongues
Notopteridae: Featherfin Knifefishes, Old World Knifefishes
Mormyridae: Elephantfishes
Gymnarchidae: Aba
Elopiformes: Tenpounders
Elopidae: Tenpounders, Ladyfishes
Megalopidae: Tarpons
Albuliformes: Bonefishes
Albulidae: Bonefishes
Notacanthoidei (Lyopomi, Heteromi)
Halosauridae: Halosaurs
Notacanthidaae: Spiny Eels
Anguilliformes (Apodes): Eels
Anguillidae: Freshwater Eels
Heterenchelyidae: Mud Eels
Moringuidae: Spaghetti Eels
Chlopsidae (Xenocongridae): False Morays
Myrocongridae: Myroconger Eels
Muraenidae (Heteromyridae): Moray Eels
Synaphobranchidae: Cutthroat Eels
Ophichthidae: Snake Eels, Worm Eels
Colocongridae: Shorttail Eels
Derichthyidae: Longneck Eels
Muraenesocidae: Pike Congers
Nemichthyidae: Snipe Eels
Congridae: Conger Eels
Nettastomatidae: Duckbill Eels
Serrivomeridae: Sawtooth Eels
Saccopharyngiformes: Sackpharynx Eels
Cyematidae: Bobtail Snipe Eels
Saccopharyngoidei (Lyomeri)
Saccopharyngidae: Swallowers
Eurypharyngidae: Gulpers, Pelican Eels
Monognathidae: Onejaw Gulpers
Clupeiformes: Herrings
Denticipitidae: Denticle Herrings
Pristigasteridae: Longfin Herrings
Engraulidae (Engraulididae, Stolephoridae): Anchovies
Chirocentridae: Wolf Herrings
Clupeidae: Herrings, Shads, Sprats, Sardines, Pilchards, Menhadens
Gonorynchiformes: Milkfishes
Chanidae: Milkfishes
Gonorynchidae: Beaked Sandfishes
Kneriidae: Knerias
Phractolaemidae: Snake Mudheads
Cypriniformes: Carps
Cyprinidae: Minnows, Carps
Psilorhynchidae: Mountain Carps
Gyrinocheilidae: Algae Eater
Catostomidae: Suckers
Cobitidae: Loaches
Balitoridae (Homalopteridae): River Loaches
Characiformes: Characins
Distichodontidae: Distichodontids
Citharinidae: Citharinids
Parodontidae: Parodontids
Curimatidae: Toothless Characiforms
Prochilodontidae: Flannel-Mouth Characiforms
Anostomidae: Toothed Headstanders
Chilodontidae: Headstanders
Crenuchidae: South American Darters
Hemiodontidae: Hemiodontids
Alestiidae (Alestidae): African Tetras
Gasteropelecidae: Freshwater Hatchetfishes
Characidae: Characins
Acestrorhynchidae: Acestrorhynchids
Cynodontidae: Cynodontids
Erythrinidae: Trahiras
Lebiasinidae: Pencil Fishes
Ctenoluciidae: Pike-Characids
Hepsetidae: African Pikes
Siluriformes (Nematognathi): Catfishes
Diplomystidae: Velvet Catfishes
Cetopsidae: Whalelike Catfishes
Amphiliidae: Loach Catfishes
Trichomycteridae (Pygidiidae): Pencil Catfishes, Parasitic Catfishes
Nematogenyidae: Mountain Catfishes
Callichthyidae: Callichthyid Armored Catfishes
Scoloplacidae: Spiny Dwarf Catfishes
Astroblepidae (Argidae): Climbing Catfishes
Loricariidae: Suckermouth Armored Catfishes
Amblycipitidae: Torrent Catfishes
Akysidae: Stream Catfishes
Sisoridae (Bagariidae): Sisorid Catfishes
Erethistidae: Erethistid Catfishes
Aspredinidae: Bango Catfishes
Pseudopimelodidae: Bumblebee Catfishes
Heptapteridae: Heptapterids
Cranoglanididae: Armorhead Catfishes
Ictaluridae (Ameiuridae): North American Catfishes
Mochokidae: Squeakers, Upside-Down Catfishes
Doradidae: Thorny Catfishes
Auchenipteridae: Driftwood Catfishes
Siluridae: Sheatfishes
Malapteruridae: Electric Catfishes
Auchenoglanididae: Auchenoglanidids
Chacidae: Squarehead, Angler, Frogmouth Catfishes
Plotosidae: Eeltail Catfishes
Clariidae: Airbreathing Catfishes
Heteropneustidae (Saccobranchidae): Airsac Catfishes
Austroglanididae: Austroglanidids
Claroteidae: Claroteids
Ariidae (Tachysuridae): Sea Catfishes
Schilbeidae (Schilbidae): Schilbeid Catfishes
Pangasiidae: Shark Catfishes
Bagridae: Bagrid Catfishes
Pimelodidae: Long-Whiskered Catfishes
Gymnotiformes: American Knifefishes
Gymnotidae: Naked Knifefishes
Rhamphichthyidae: Sand Knifefishes
Hypopomidae: Bluntnose Knifefishes
Sternopygidae: Glass Knifefishes
Apteronotidae: Ghost Knifefishes
Argentiniformes: Marine Smelts
Argentinidae: Argentines, Herring Smelts
Opisthoproctidae: Barreleyes, Spookfishes
Microstomatidae: Pencilsmelts
Platytroctidae (Searsiidae): Tubeshoulders
Bathylaconidae: Bathylaconids
Alepocephalidae: Slickheads
Osmeriformes: Freshwater Smelts
Osmeridae: Smelts
Retropinnidae: New Zealand Smelts
Galaxiidae: Galaxiids
Salmoniformes: Trouts
Salmonidae: Salmonids
Esociformes (Haplomi, Esocae): Pikes
Esocidae: Pikes
Umbridae: Mudminnows
Stomiiformes (Stomiatiformes): Dragonfishes
Gonostomatidae: Bristlemouths
Sternoptychidae: Marine Hatchetfishes
Phosichthyidae (Phtichthyidae): Lightfishes
Stomiidae: Barbeled Dragonfishes
Ateleopodiformes: Jellynose Fishes
Ateleopodidae: Jellynose Fishes
Aulopiformes: Lizardfishes
Paraulopidae: Cucumber Fishes
Aulopidae: Flagfins
Pseudotrichonotidae: Sandiving Lizardfishes
Synodontidae: Lizardfishes
Bathysauroididae: Bathysauroidids
Chlorophthalmidae: Greeneyes
Bathysauropsidae: Bathysauropsids
Notosudidae (Scopelosauridae): Waryfishes
Ipnopidae: Deepsea Tripod Fishes
Scopelarchidae: Pearleyes
Evermannellidae: Sabertooth Fishes
Alepisauridae: Lancetfishes
Paralepididae: Barracudinas
Anotopteridae: Daggertooths
Bathysauridae: Deepsea Lizardfishes
Giganturidae: Telescopefishes
Myctophiformes: Lanternfishes
Myctophidae: Lanternfishes
Neoscopelidae: Blackchins
Lampriformes(Lampridiformes, Allotriognathi): Opahs
Veliferidae: Velifers
Lampridae (Lamprididae): Opahs
Stylephoridae: Tube-Eyes, Thread-Tails
Lophotidae: Crestfishes
Radiicephalidae: Tapertails
Trachipteridae: Ribbonfishes
Regalecidae: Oarfishes
Polymixiiformes: Beardfishes
Polymixiidae: Beardfishes
Percopsiformes: Trout-Perches
Percopsidae: Trout-Perches
Aphredoderidae: Pirate Perch
Amblyopsidae: Cavefishes
Gadiformes: Cods
Muraenolepididae: Eel Cods
Bregmacerotidae: Codlets
Euclichthyidae: Eucla Cod
Macrouridae (Coryphaenoididae): Grenadiers (Rattails)
Moridae: Deepsea Cods
Melanonidae: Pelagic Cods
Merlucciidae: Merluccid Hakes
Phycidae: Phycid Hakes
Gadidae: Cods
Ophidiiformes: Cusk-Eels
Carapidae: Pearlfishes
Ophidiidae: Cusk-Eels
Bythitidae: Viviparous Brotulas
Aphyonidae: Aphyonids
Parabrotulidae: False Brotulas
Batrachoidiformes: Toadfishes
Batrachoididae: Toadfishes
Lophiiformes: Anglerfishes
Lophiidae: Goosefishes
Antennariidae: Frogfishes
Tetrabrachiidae: Tetrabranchiid Frogfishes
Lophichthyidae: Lophichthyid Frogfishes
Brachionichthyidae: Handfishes (Warty Anglers)
Ogcocephalidae: Batfishes
Chaunacoidei: Coffinfishes, Sea Toads
Ceratoidei: Anglerfishes
Caulophrynidae: Fanfins
Neoceratiidae: Toothed Seadevils
Melanocetidae: Black Seadevils
Himantolophidae: Footballfishes
Diceratiidae: Double Anglers
Oneirodidae: Dreamers
Thaumatichthyidae: Wolftrap Anglers
Centrophrynidae: Deepsea Anglerfishes
Ceratiidae: Seadevils
Gigantactinidae: Whipnose Anglers
Linophrynidae: Leftvents
Mugiliformes: Mullets
Mugilidae: Mullets
Atheriniformes: Silversides
Atherinopsidae: New World Silversides
Notocheiridae (Isonidae): Surf Sardines
Melanotaeniidae: Rainbowfishes, Blue Eyes
Atherionidae: Pricklenose Silversides
Phallostethidae: Tusked Silversides, Priapiumfishes
Atherinidae: Old World Silversides
Beloniformes: Needlefishes
Adrianichthyidae: Adrianichthyids
Exocoetidae: Flyingfishes
Hemiramphidae: Halfbeaks
Belonidae: Needlefishes
Scomberesocidae: Sauries
Cyprinodontiformes (Microcyprini): Killifishes
Aplocheilidae: Asian Rivulines
Nothobranchiidae: African Rivulines
Rivulidae: New World Rivulines
Profundulidae: Middle American Killifishes
Goodeidae: Goodeids
Fundulidae: Topminnows
Valenciidae: Valencia Toothcarps
Cyprinodontidae: Pupfishes
Anablepidae: Four-Eyed Fishes
Poeciliidae: Livebearers
Stephanoberyciformes (Xenoberyces): Pricklefishes
Melamphaidae: Bigscale Fishes
Stephanoberycidae: Pricklefishes
Hispidoberycidae: Hispidoberycids
Gibberichthyidae: Gibberfishes
Rondeletiidae: Redmouth Whalefishes
Barbourisiidae: Red Whalefishes
Cetomimidae: Flabby Whalefishes
Beryciformes: Alfonso Squirrelfishes
Anoplogastridae: Fangtooths
Diretmidae: Spinyfins
Anomalopidae: Flashlight Fishes
Monocentridae (Monocentrididae): Pinecone Fishes
Trachichthyidae: Roughies
Berycidae: Alfonsinos
Holocentridae: Squirrelfishes
Zeiformes: Dories
Cyttidae: Lookdown Dories
Oreosomatidae: Oreos
Parazenidae: Smooth Dories
Zeniontidae (Zenionidae): Armoreye Dories
Grammicolepididae: Tinselfishes
Zeidae: Dories
Gasterosteiformes: Sticklebacks
Hypoptychidae: Sand Eel
Aulorhynchidae: Tubesnouts
Gasterosteidae: Sticklebacks
Indostomidae: Armored Sticklebacks
Pegasidae: Seamoths
Solenostomidae: Ghost Pipefishes
Syngnathidae: Pipefishes, Seahorses
Aulostomidae: Trumpetfishes
Fistulariidae: Cornetfishes
Macroramphosidae: Snipefishes
Centriscidae: Shrimpfishes
Synbranchiformes: Swamp Eels
Synbranchidae: Swamp Eels
Chaudhuriidae: Earthworm Eels
Mastacembelidae: Spiny Eels
Scorpaeniformes: Mail-Cheeked Fishes
Dactylopteridae (Cephalacanthidae): Flying Gurnards
Scorpaenidae: Scorpionfishes (Rockfishes)
Caracanthidae: Orbicular Velvetfishes
Aploactinidae: Velvetfishes
Pataecidae: Australian Prowfishes
Gnathanacanthidae: Red Velvetfishes
Congiopodidae: Racehorses (Pigfishes, Horsefishes)
Triglidae: Searobins (Gunards)
Peristediidae: Armored Searobins
Bembridae: Deepwater Flatheads
Platycephalidae: Flatheads
Hoplichthyidae: Ghost Flatheads
Anoplopomatidae: Sablefishes
Hexagrammidae: Greenlings
Normanichthyidae: Normanichthyids
Rhamphocottidae: Grunt Sculpins
Ereuniidae: Deepwater Sculpins
Cottidae: Sculpins
Comephoridae: Baikal Oilfishes
Abyssocottidae: Deepwater Baikal Sculpins
Hemitripteridae: Searavens
Agonidae: Poachers
Psychrolutidae: Fathead Sculpins
Bathylutichthyidae: Antarctic Sculpins
Cyclopteridae: Lumpfishes (Lumpsuckers)
Liparidae (Liparididae): Snailfishes
Perciformes: Perches
Centropomidae: Snooks
Ambassidae (Chandidae): Asiatic Glassfishes
Latidae: Lates
Moronidae: Temperate Basses
Perchichthyidae: Temperate Perches
Perciliidae: Southern Basses
Acropomatidae: Lantern Bellies
Symphysanodontidae: Slopefishes
Polyprionidae: Wreckfishes
Serranidae: Sea Basses
Centrogeniidae: False Scorpionfishes
Ostracoberycidae: Ostracoberycids
Callanthiidae: Groppos
Pseudochromidae: Dottybacks
Grammatidae (Grammidae): Basslets
Plesiopidae: Roundheads
Notograptidae: Bearded Eelblennies
Opistognathidae: Jawfishes
Dinopercidae: Cavebasses
Banjosidae: Banjofishes
Centrarchidae: Sunfishes
Percidae: Perches
Priacanthidae: Bigeyes (Catalufas)
Apogonidae: Cardinalfishes
Epigonidae: Deepwater Cardinalfishes
Sillaginidae: Sillagos (Whitings, Smelt-Whitings)
Malacanthidae: Tilefishes
Lactariidae: False Trevallies
Dinolestidae: Long-Finned Pikes
Scombropidae: Gnomefishes
Pomatomidae: Bluefishes
Nematistiidae: Roosterfishes
Coryphaenidae: Dolphinfishes
Rachycentridae: Cobias
Echeneidae (Echeneididae): Remoras (Sharksuckers)
Carangidae: Jacks, Pompanos
Menidae: Moonfishes
Leiognathidae: Ponyfishes, Slimys, Slipmouths
Bramidae: Pomfrets
Caristiidae: Manefishes
Emmelichthyidae: Rovers
Lutjanidae: Snappers
Caesionidae: Fusiliers
Lobotidae: Tripletails
Gerreidae: Mojarras
Haemulidae (Pomadasyidae): Grunts
Nemipteridae: Threadfin Breams
Lethrinidae: Emperors, Emperor Breams
Sparidae: Porgies
Centracanthidae (Maenidae): Picarel Porgies
Polynemidae: Threadfins
Sciaenidae: Drums (Croakers)
Mullidae: Goatfishes
Pempheridae: Sweepers
Glaucosomatidae: Pearl Perches
Leptobramidae: Beachsalmon
Bathyclupeidae: Bathyclupeids
Monodactylidae: Moonfishes (Fingerfishes)
Toxotidae: Archerfishes
Arripidae: Australasian Salmon (Kahawai)
Dichistiidae (Coracinidae): Galjoen Fishes
Kyphosidae: Sea Chubs
Drepaneidae: Sicklefishes
Chaetodontidae: Butterflyfishes
Pomacanthidae: Angelfishes
Enoplosidae: Oldwives
Pentacerotidae: Armorheads
Nandidae: Asian Leaffishes
Polycentridae: Afro-American Leaffishes
Terapontidae (Teraponidae, Theraponidae): Grunters, Tigerperches
Kuhliidae: Flagtails
Oplegnathidae: Knifejaws
Cirrhitidae: Hawkfishes
Chironemidae: Kelpfishes
Aplodactylidae (Haplodactylidae): Marblefishes
Cheilodactylidae: Morwongs
Latridae: Trumpeters
Cepolidae: Bandfishes
Elassomatidae (Elassomidae): Pygmy Sunfishes
Cichlidae: Cichlids
Embiotocidae: Surfperches
Pomacentridae: Damselfishes
Labridae: Wrasses
Odacidae: Cales
Scaridae (Callyodontidae): Parrotfishes
Bathymasteridae: Ronquils
Zoarcidae: Eelpouts
Stichaeidae: Pricklebacks
Cryptacanthodidae: Wrymouths
Pholidae: Gunnels
Anarhichadidae: Wolffishes
Ptilichthyidae: Quillfishes
Zaproridae: Prowfishes
Scytalinidae: Graveldivers
Bovichtidae (Bovichthyidae): Temperate Icefishes
Pseudaphritidae: Catadromous Icefishes
Eleginopidae: Patagonian blennies
Nototheniidae: Cod Icefishes
Harpagiferidae: Spiny Plunderers
Artedidraconidae: Barbeled Plunderfishes
Bathydraconidae: Antarctic Dragonfishes
Channichthyidae (Chaenichthyidae): Crocodile Icefishes
Chiasmodontidae: Swallowers
Champsodontidae: Gapers
Trichodontidae: Sandfishes
Pinguipedidae: Sandperches
Cheimarrhichthyidae: New Zealand Torrentfishes
Trichonotidae: Sanddivers
Creediidae: Sandburrowers
Percophidae: Duckbills
Leptoscopidae: Southern Sandfishes
Ammodytidae: Sand Lances
Trachinidae: Weeverfishes
Uranoscopidae: Stargazers
Phoidichthyidae: Convict Blenny
Tripterygiidae: Triplefin Blennies
Dactyloscopidae: Sand Stargazers
Blenniidae: Combtooth Blennies
Clinidae: Kelp Blennies
Labrisomidae: Labrisomid Blennies
Chaenopsidae: Tube Blennies
Icosteoidei (Malacichthyes)
Icosteidae: Ragfishes
Gobiesocoidei (Xenopterygii)
Gobiesocidae: Clingfishes
Callionymidae: Dragonets
Draconettidae: Slope Dragonets
Rhyacichthyidae: Loach Gobies
Odontobutidae: Freshwater Sleepers
Eleotridae (Eleotrididae): Sleepers
Xenisthmidae: Xenisthmids
Kraemeriidae: Sandfishes, Sand Gobies
Gobiidae: Gobies
Microdesmidae (Cerdalidae): Wormfishes
Ptereleotridae: Dartfishes
Schindleriidae: Infantfishes
Kurtidae: Nurseryfishes
Ephippidae: Spadefishes
Scatophagidae: Scats
Siganidae: Rabbitfishes
Luvaridae: Louvar
Zanclidae: Moorish Idols
Acanthuridae: Surgeonfishes
Scombrolabracidae: Longfin Escolars
Sphyraenidae: Barracudas
Gempylidae: Snake Mackerals
Trichiuridae: Cutlassfishes
Scombridae: Mackerals, Tunas
Xiphiidae: Swordfishes
Istiophoridae: Billfishes
Anabantidae: Climbing Gouramis
Helostomatidae: Kissing Gouramies
Osphronemidae: Gouramies
Channidae: Snakeheads
Caproidae: Boarfishes
Pleuronectiformes (Heterosomata): Flatfishes
Psettodidae: Spiny Turbots
Citharidae: Largescale Flounders
Scophthalmidae: Turbots
Paralichthyidae: Sand Flounders
Pleuronectidae: Righteye Flounders
Bothidae: Lefteye Flounders
Achiropsettidae: Southern Flounders
Samaridae: Crested Flounders
Achiridae: American Soles
Soleidae: Soles
Cynoglossidae: Tonguefishes
Tetraodontiformes (Plectognathi): Plectognaths
Triacanthodidae: Spikefishes
Triacanthidae: Triplespines
Balistidae: Triggerfishes
Monacanthidae: Filefishes
Ostraciidae (Ostraciontidae): Boxfishes (Cowfishes, Trunkfishes)
Triodontidae: Threetooth Puffers
Tetraodontidae: Puffers
Diodontidae: Porcupinefishes (Burrfishes)
Molidae: Molas
Sarcopterygii: Lobe-Finned Fishes, Tetrapods
Coelacanthamorpha (Actinistia)
Coelacanthiformes: Coelacanths
Latimeriidae: Gombessas, Coelacanths
Onychodontiformes (Struniiformes)
Porolepiformes (Holoptychiiformes)
Ceratodontiformes: Living Lungfishes
Neoceratidae (Ceratodontidae): Australian Lungfishes
Lepidosirenidae: South American Lungfishes
Protopteridae: African Lungfishes